Split Thickness Skin Graft - Recell
- Patient’s own skin taken from another body part
- Small skin sample taken; epidermis and dermal cells are separated
- Creates an autograft cell suspension that is sprayed over the donor site and skin graft
- Commonly referred to as “spray-on skin.”
- Initially pink or red from underlying blood vessels and early healing
- Meshing creates wide, large holes resembling a spider web
- As healing progresses, the “spider web” appearance becomes less noticeable
Dressing Frequency
- Change dressings on days 3, 5, and 7
- Usually switch to daily changes after day 7
Dressing Care
- Handle dressings with extreme care to avoid adherence
- The graft is covered with Telfa clear, stapled in place until day 7
- Gently cleanse with Vashe and pat dry
- Cover with Mepitel, then Adaptic smeared with Bacitracin
- Use ABD and wrap with Kerlix followed by an Ace wrap
- Once fully epithelialized, keep skin moistened with Aquaphor and gently massage
Risk for Graft Failure
- Shearing (movement of the graft)
- Hematoma
- Stroma
- Infection
Day #4 post op, telfa clear in place
One week post-op telfa clear removed